On Trails: An Exploration by Robert Moor
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This book feels like it falls right in line with “The Dharma Bums” and “The Art of Travel.” It’s about trails, written by a guy who has done some epic hikes, like the Appalachian Trial (2,600 miles in five months), but he starts the book by talking about the concept of trails, a meditation on trials, how and why they are formed and by whom. ““On Trails” is an engaging blend of travelogue, sociology, history and philosophy that might be summed up as a meditation on the centrality of trails to animal and human life.” – Washington Post.
So, you are going to learn about how ants know how to follow other ants. Microscopic cells to elephants. I learned the difference between a path and a trail. It’s directional. “The importance of this distinction becomes paramount when you consider the prospect of lying down in the path of a charging elephant versus lying down in its trail.”
Super interesting book. I felt a kinship with all of these books, although with this book, I have to admit that I was more interested in the sections about trails and hiking versus trails and microscopic cells.
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