Tag Archives: Shake Shack
Sonoran Desert Snyder Family Letter | 2024
The first night he pooped something awful on the floor and then later barfed in bed. So, now you’ve got my attention. He gets up again for a third time and it sounds like he’s going to barf. I grab him and – like that old commercial of O.J. Simpson running through the airport – I run to the back door. There’s no lights on. I don’t have my phone to light the way. I’m not wearing my glasses. I not wearing clothes. I’m in my underwear, walking like a blind man, no shoes on, stepping on rocks, but I’ve gotten him outside. I Continue reading
Posted in Christmas Letters
Tagged Chiricahua, Crystal Cove, Joshua Tree, Laguna Beach, Oscar the bird king, puppy, Shake Shack, Thomas Dambo
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