Tag Archives: biking

I Got Nowhere Else to Go

The next Monday it was a different story. No thunderstorm warnings, but rain was a distinct possibility. I threw caution to the wind, winds?, and took off for home. No weather is going to slow me down. About halfway home I get caught with my pants down … I mean, not literally … I wasn’t even wearing pants so to speak … I was wearing shorts. I proceeded to get pounded by a torrential downpour, because that’s the only kind of downpour there is … torrential. Just completely hammered and not in a good way. Continue reading

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Did I Pack Underwear?

Carli’s home. With Carli, Gina and Rose all needing a car to get to workouts or work, there was a brief discussion about buying another car. The discussion went something like this, “Hey Dad, we all think it would be a good idea to buy another car.” Then I said, “We don’t have any money.” End of discussion. Continue reading

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Tour de Cure 2013 … the road report

ShareTweet For the fifth year in a row, I rode in the American Diabetes Association’s Tour de Cure on Saturday, Sept. 21. The temps started out in the 60s and ventured north into the 70s, blue skies with very little … Continue reading

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The Pre-Century Journals: The Final Four Weeks

I tried to blow a snot rocket. Usually, I’m really good at doing that, but earlier this week one snot rocket ended up under my glasses and along my cheekbone, presumably due to my head cold and the lack of viscosity. Today, I blew one and immediately knew I had misfired. I checked my shoulder, my shirt, and my face; then much to my dismay, I discovered that the snot rope, by this time 10 inches long, was still connected to my nose, swinging to and fro. It was more of a snot kite than snot rocket. I had to employed the ‘pinch and fling’ method of removal. Continue reading

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Funny things I said after my concussion … the director’s cut

On Thursday I crashed my bike. I hit my head on the ground and got a concussion. The biggest dust up occurred when Rose, apparently getting a kick out of my inability to remember things, asked me who is the quarterback of the Broncos. I said Tim Tebow. Rose said, no, we traded him to the Jets. Me: “WHAT? WHY WOULD WE TRADE TIM TEBOW?” Continue reading

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The Bug in my Shirt

The other day I was riding my new bike and I was a little mad. The back tire needed air; it felt like the tire was made out of silly putty and it was moving side-to-side on this bumpy trail. Plus, it was really hot out, so I unzipped my cycling shirt to let in some cool air, but instead something fell out of a tree into my shirt. I didn’t know what it was at first. But then it started moving.
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2010 Tour de Cure … The Century, pt. 3

I finished my first century dehydrated. The medical staff thought I should go hand out in the emergency room. In the ambulance, a very attractive woman tried to stick me with an IV. She tried and failed twice in my left arm. Then an IV is successfully installed in my right arm. The dude asked me how I feel. I said, “I feel dumb.” Then he asked, “Anything hurting right now?” I said, “Not to be a jackass, but the only thing that hurts right now are all these puncture wounds on my arms.” Continue reading

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