Here are my favorite videos that I posted on Facebook in 2015. Three are about movies, two feature drones, music, and human achievement and there is one about genocide, the moon, bunnies and a TED talk about a kindergarten in Tokyo. If you were just going to watch one, I’d watch the mountain biker from Red Bull (that one is insane).
U2: Sweetest Thing
Auschwitz: Drone video of Nazi concentration camp
The Moon: Like you have never seen it before
Bill Murray: Nick Ocean from SNL 40
Kirk & Spock: Because you are my friend
Himalayas: Drone footage from 20,000 feet
Tokyo School: Best kindergarten you’ve ever seen
Karate Kid: Daniel-san was the real bully
Dylan & Cash: Girl from the North Country
DJ Pollyfonika: Woman flees bunny stampede
American Ninja Warrior: Someone finally completes it
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