Tag Archives: books
Top 50 Books to Read Next List
This is my reading list. What I’ve read, what I’m reading, what I’m going to read next. As an English major, I feel that it my sworn duty to at least attempt to be well read. My goal is to read interesting, entertaining, meaningful books by gifted authors and expand my mind. Continue reading
My Top 10 Favorite Books … 2017
I read 28 books on the year by 27 authors, including eight international writers, seven female writers, and seven works of nonfiction. A lot of historical fiction, in fact, three books that made the top 10 were based in World War II, another based in Vietnam, Russia, China, Tibet and Cuba. Continue reading
Kandinsky and More Kandinsky
ShareTweet The Thing I’m Doing This Year #26 Over eight days in late July I took in two beach events in Long Beach and Milwaukee. Nice and warm in California, an event featuring all the superstars of beach volleyball. I … Continue reading
Invisible Man
Then I went into the bookstore and find a book off my nerdy books-to-buy-next list, “Invisible Cities” by Italo Calvino. People who are in the know consider this book a post-modern masterpiece. In a conversation with Kublai Khan, Marco Polo describes cities from Khan’s empire and/or cities Polo visited on his worldwide travels. A couple of things got me off track, first the “Khan” described here is not the same Khan I found wildly entertaining in a couple Star Trek feature films. No, totally different guy. Continue reading
My Review | The Fault in Our Stars
ShareTweet The Fault in Our Stars by John Green My rating: 4 of 5 stars My 15-year-old daughter Gina asked me to read this book. As a father, when one of my kids asks me to read a book, I … Continue reading
My Review of Catch-22, an all-time classic
On some Top 100 lists for the greatest fiction ever written, Catch-22 is ranked top 10 and even top five, so why didn’t I like it? And what is the connection between Catch-22 and M.A.S.H.? I get to the bottom of it with my review. Continue reading